While our SDK comes with most of the functionality you would need out-of-the-box, you may want to build some custom functionality. For example, maybe you are looking to build a custom dashboard. Or you are looking to expose a subset of data to some of your users. You can use our REST APIs for this. Below, you will see a widget where you can select a functionality. If you then enter your credentials, you will see the exact API Request you must make, and also the Response to such a Request!

API Playground


How the API Playground works

Once you have registered on our website and have your CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET, use those in the form above. From the dropdown, you can select what API you want. When you click the Submit button, you should see the actual Request being made. And also the Response. This way, you can test that the API is returning what you want, and just copy-paste the Request parameters into your codebase.